Council on Foreign Relations - Academic Conference Call - Wednesday, April 20, 2016: "The Role of the United Nations"

Dear Colleagues,

I invite you and your students to participate in the final session of the Winter/Spring 2016 CFR Academic Conference Call series on Wednesday, April 20, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. (EDT). Esther Brimmer, CFR’s adjunct senior fellow for international institutions, will discuss the evolution of the United Nations over the past seventy years and its role in the world today.

In order to encourage student participation, professors typically convene as a group in a classroom or their office around a speaker phone. If you would like to make this call available to your students, please respond to this invitation by calling Catalina Caro at 212.434.9564, and CFR will send you the toll-free dial-in number and password in advance.
As background for the discussion, you may wish to have your students review the following materials: 

1) Esther Brimmer, “The World Still Needs the United Nations,”, October 26, 2015.

2) Stewart M. Patrick, “World Weary: Evaluating the United Nations at 70,”, October 20, 2015.

3) “Backgrounder: The Role of the UN General Assembly,” Interactive, Council on Foreign Relations.

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The CFR Academic Conference Call series provides a forum for educators and students to interact with CFR experts and join the debate on foreign policy. 
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